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Recording the Periodontal Exam

On 2011年12月28日 by Dr. Paulo Camargo Resource:ucla Hits:

Introducd:Recording the Periodontal Exam


The purpose of the first cycle is to check for missing teeth and tooth mobility. Missing teeth are recorded on the chart with an X over the tooth diagram and an X over the buccal or labial and palatal or lingual probing box.
Missing teeth are recorded on the chart with an X over the tooth diagram and an X over the buccal or labial and palatal or lingual probing box.
Mobility is recorded in the appropriate box of the examination form.
A mobility of one is when a tooth moves 0.5 to 1.00 millimeters. A mobility of two is when a tooth moves 1.00 to 2.00 millimeters. A mobility of three is when more than two millimeters of movement is seen or if a tooth is mobile and depressible in the occlusal apical direction.
This data is recorded beginning on the upper right quadrant and then proceeding around the arch to the upper left quadrant.

The purpose of the second cycle is to record pocket depth.

The area is wiped dry with a gauze and then the periodontal probe is walked around each tooth beginning with the distal-buccal surface of the upper right molars.

The probe is gently walked around each tooth and the deepest pocket reading is recorded for Distal, Buccal or Labial, and Mesial surfaces.

When probing interproximal regions, the probe is positioned as close as possible to the long axis of the tooth.

The three pocket readings will be written in the boxes available on the examination form as the doctor calls out the measurements.
The doctor will also check to see if there is suppuration or bleeding for each of these three readings.

For example: Record first the number for pocket depth measurement. Then, above the pocket reading place a capital B for bleeding or a capital S for suppuration on the examination form. If there is no bleeding or suppuration present, just the number for the pocket depth is recorded.

The doctor will also check to see if any gingival recession or gingival tissue overgrowth is present.
Recession is measured in millimeters from the cemento-enamel junction to the marginal gingiva of each tooth root.
The number of millimeters is written next to the CEJ area of the tooth diagram on the examination form.
Gingival overgrowth is drawn on the crown of the tooth diagram as a line depicting the tissue overgrowth.

The number of millimeters is written on the examination form.

This process of pocket depth recording, bleeding or suppuration recording and recession or gingival overgrowth recording is completed for the Buccal surfaces of each tooth beginning on the most posterior tooth of the upper right quadrant and proceeding to the last tooth on the upper left quadrant.

The process is repeated and recorded for each palatal surface beginning on the upper left quadrant and continuing around to the upper right quadrant.
The lower arch is then charted beginning on the buccal of the most posterior tooth in the lower left quadrant and going around the arch to the lower right quadrant.
The lingual surfaces are charted beginning on the last tooth on the lower right quadrant and finishing on the lower left
Prev:Recording the Periodontal Examination: A Program for Dental Assistants
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