活动矫治资讯中心 Topics
“2×4”简化固定矫治器与牙合 垫式活动矫治器的临床应用对照
作者:作者佚名 日期:2007年02月12日 来源:来自网络 浏览:

核心提示:摘要]目的:本研究旨在比较“2×4”简化固定矫治器与牙合 垫式活动矫治器的矫治效果。方法:本文对20例8至14岁前牙反牙合 儿童分别采用两种不同的矫治方法,对矫治前后X线头颅定位片及模型进行对比观察。结果:使用固定矫治器组,即“2×4”技术多用唇弓组,治疗效果明显优于牙合 垫式活动矫治器组,同时分析了两种方法的矫治特点,适应证。结论:提出对反覆牙合 过大者,用活动矫治器较省时,对反覆盖过大者用固定矫治效果颇佳。  固定矫治;牙合 垫式活动矫治;“2×4”简化技术;多用
摘要]目的:本研究旨在比较“2×4”简化固定矫治器与牙合 垫式活动矫治器的矫治效果。方法:本文对20例8至14岁前牙反牙合 儿童分别采用两种不同的矫治方法,对矫治前后X线头颅定位片及模型进行对比观察。结果:使用固定矫治器组,即“2×4”技术多用唇弓组,治疗效果明显优于牙合 垫式活动矫治器组,同时分析了两种方法的矫治特点,适应证。结论:提出对反覆牙合 过大者,用活动矫治器较省时,对反覆盖过大者用固定矫治效果颇佳。  [关键词]固定矫治;牙合 垫式活动矫治;“2×4”简化技术;多用唇弓;替牙期;前牙反牙合  [中图分类号]R783.5  [文献标识码]A  [文章编号]1008-6455(2006)01-0065-03            The contrast of clinical application of 2×4simplified fixed orthodontic appliances and occlusal pad removable orthodontic appliances          LI Bo, LUO Qiu-yun, BAI Gang, HUANG Jia-quan, WEI Kai     (Stomatology Office of Jingmen Shihua Hospital,Jingmen 448002, Hubei,China)   Abstract: Objective The purpose of this experimental study was to compare between 2x4 technique of labial bow and occlusal pad removable orthodontic appliances. Methods This thesis discusses two different orthotherapies in treating 20 children patients ranging from 8~14 ages who suffer anterior crossbite,Observes and compares the cephalometric roentgenogram and its model before and after orthopedics. Results We saw that the group who are treated with fixed orthodontic appliance, namely: the group under treatment of 2x4 technique of labial bow, its effect is much superior to the group under treatment of occlusal pad removable orthodontic appliances. Meanwhile, this thesis also analyzes the characteristics of the two treatments, its adaptability. It indicates that to those who have extra reversed overbites. Conclusion It will take less time to use removable orthodontic appliances, and to those who have extra reversed overjets, fixed orthodontic appliance will have better effect.  Key words: fixed orthodontic appliance; occlusal pad removable orthodontic; 2x4 technique of labial bow; period of teeth displacement; anterior crossbite


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